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Goodbye, America!

I have always enjoyed Ben Stein’s dry, clear, and direct critical analysis. Hopefully more people will discard the coziness of (self-denial) as the amounting and compelling collection of seemingly unrelated circumstances push us further and further down a path of overwhelmed servitude. By now we should have all learned that it is not that the Collectivist have directly made an event happen…
It is more important to study how the Collectivist never fail to frame an event to persistently promote Their narrative and hid away any information that would counter that narrative. With the help of whistle blowers like Zach Vorhies the direct and purposeful influences of the symbiotic relationship between the Big Tech Cabal and the Collectivist have been exposed.
Call’Em Like You See ‘Em!
– Nuts.Farm

Goodbye, America
We no longer have a Constitution.
Goodbye, America | The American Spectator

Saturday July 2021. A month that will live in infamy. If there is such a thing as “history” in the Biden–Orwell–Soros omni-dictatorship, July 2021 will mark the month that the Constitution, the “greatest work ever thrown off by the hand and mind of man,” as Gladstone put it, was thrown into the Ministry of Truth Memory Hole.
It was put into the “History Erase” well. A bottomless pit.
In this month, actually starting with the month before, that the superpowers of the tech world, Google, YouTube, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, and Yahoo, admitted to working with the Biden/NKVD administration to suppress free speech. Advertisement
For months now, we had known that the tech powers were watching us and suppressing any dissident speech against the current administration. I have seen it up close and personal. But what was argued was that the First Amendment to the Constitution protected us only against Congress and the executive branch suppressing free speech. It did not protect us from private enterprises, even very large private enterprises like Amazon or Google or Facebook, keeping tabs on citizens and shutting them out of the internet-sphere if they expressed views contradicting the views and policies of the Biden–Harris–Big Tech Party.
True, there was one big case involving a large steel company suppressing free speech by its workers, and the Supreme Court ruled that such a big company suppressing free speech on its company properties was indeed a violation of the First Amendment. But that was rare indeed.
Now, in the year 2021, the iron curtain has come down hard. With Big Internet Tech and the White House now admittedly colluding to identify and suppress dissidents, even completely nonviolent dissidents, we no longer have a Constitution.
There is just one big corporate–government–IngSoc superstate running everything. Goodbye, America. The GOP, with 50 senators, does nothing. The state legislatures, by far a majority GOP, and the spineless Supreme Court do nothing. And so goodbye to the greatest experiment in the history of the world.
When the Constitutional Congress ended in the late 18th century, as Ben Franklin was walking out, an onlooker said, “What do we have, sir? A republic or a monarchy?”
Franklin answered, “A republic. If you can keep it.”
God help us. – Ben Stein’s Diary

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Equity vs Equality.

How can these different words now be interchangeable?
Each is important but they are distinctly different.
Purposeful deception supporting the Progressive Woke Narrative.
Evidence of how bold, brash, and overconfident the cabal of Big Tech, Media Propaganda, and the Deep State are flaunting their punkish “What you going to do about it?” attitude. Because They are fearless of being prosecuted due to Their Woke control of the Judicial System.
Unfortunately for Them we still have printed Dictionaries that date back prior to Obama. Find an old Dictionary, use it, do not lose it. Alert your family and friends as They attempt to twist our language and our ability to clearly communicate.
Call ’Em Like You See ‘Em!
– Nuts.Farm

Equity – 1. Fairness. 2. Value of property beyond the amount owed on it.
Equality. e’qual – a. of the same quantity, value, rank, etc.- n person or thing that is equal to – v. be, or do something, equal to – capable of – equal’i-ty n – equalize’ v. – equally adv.

image -Pixabay

Redefining words to serve the Biden administration’s purpose.
‘Either words have meaning, or they don’t’

[Editor’s note: This story originally was published by The Daily Signal.]

By Tim Murtaught
The Daily Signal

White House press secretary Jen Psaki, seen here at an April 14 news briefing, and some in the media have helped President Joe Biden redefine words to suit his political agenda. (Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)