Giving Progressives the “benefit of the doubt” has bitten the country in its backside. When Progressives show you who they are, take their word for it, do not makeup excuses for them or think
“Well, they really do not believe that” or “they would not do that”.
When Progressives give speeches and write books about their aspirations for this country, we need to take exactly what they are saying, planning and dreaming about as a fact. Take some time to study the teaching and writings of the founders and the promoters of Progressivism. (Progressivism = Socialism)
Peacefully and Enthusiastically tell them. NUTS!
Please take the time to study this article. We need to know who we are up against and the scheme they have been working on for many decades. The issues this country is facing today are the fulfillment of years of thought and perseverance.
The Right Needs to Start Thinking in Terms of Chess Moves and Less Defense Mode

Rachel Alexander|Posted: Feb 08, 2021 12:01 AM