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Ben Shapiro slams Democratic voters over poll results showing Trump supporters as their main concern

The poll showed that the top concern for Republicans is illegal immigration, while the top concern for Democrats is Trump supporters.

If Progressives/Socialists are so smart why are they so frightened????

I propose that the Progressives/Socialist who after decades of conspiring to controlling everything and are now in total control of EVERYTHING (by hook or crook) are now attempting to place the final nails in the coffin of the United States as founded. “They” are terrified of the everyday American Citizens who wanted to be left alone to live their lives and are now becoming aware of what “They” have been up to.

Tell “Them” NUTS!

Call’Em Like You See”Em!
– Nuts.Farm

by Michael Lee |   | February 25, 2021 10:45 AM – Washington Examiner

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Anti-Cancel Culture Anthem Rapper Tom MacDonald on Fox News

As you might have guessed… Rap is not my go to music genre. When I was discussing the First Amendment Blvd and NUTS project with a friend, who holds a high security clearance, he directed me to check out Tom MacDonald. Not knowing what to expect… I looked him up. I was surprised and motivated. Tom MacDonald hits the nail on the head with his lyrics! I wish him all the success in the world as he takes on the world. Watch his videos and listen to his words, support him, he is fearlessly speaking his truth and hopefully empowering others to do the same. – Nuts.Farm

Tom MacDonald

The Story with Martha MacCallam,