Why I started NUTS.
2020 what a year. COVID-19. Antifa and BLM riots. Governor Nuisance shut down my family-run business. The Cancel Culture was getting its legs and good people were losing their jobs because their spouse posted something on social media. The Wokesters were destroying families by changing the meaning of words, then doing some lookback research so “They” could impose their out-of-context guilt trickery revisionism to end the careers of hardworking Americans.
This is when the idea of the First Amendment Blvd project stirred me from my sleep. A street with “Two Way Traffic” a symbol for free speech, a way for people to fearlessly speak their mind knowing as American Citizens they were protected by the First Amendment as proclaimed in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. A week later I was handing out to my friends the prototype for the original First Amendment Blvd hats.
A few months later when the Big Tech Consortium took down any reference to the Hunter Biden’s business dealings, and “They” canceled the sitting President’s social media account. Then “They” selectively purged comments from hundreds of thousands of US citizen’s social media accounts. I once again was stirred from my sleep and the concept of NUTS was born.
Remembering my history (because American History was taught in schools back in the days before it was replaced by Social Equity). I recalled that when the American Army, 101st Airborne Division was surrounded by the German National Socialist Army at Bastogne Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge. The American commander told the German commander “NUTS” when the Germans demanded the Americans surrender.
Today when Americans are surrounded by Socialists, we can and will tell them NUTS.
I hope you will join me in my vision for the First Amendment Blvd and NUTS project.
When you purchase FAB and NUTS gear, share, link, or endorse NutsRUs.us you are proudly displaying that you are enthusiastically and fearlessly defending your First Amendments Rights as an American Citizens and telling the Progressive Socialists Cancel Culture Wokesters NUTS!
What is driving you NUTS? What are you NUTS about? Proudly displaying your NUTS. Show your NUTS. Let the world know that you disagree with Socialism, Wokeism, and Cancel Culture. Take a stand, make a statement, start a conversation, and peacefully gather other NUTS so one NUT turns into a bag of NUTS, a bushel of NUTS, a load of NUTS, and finally a mountain of NUTS that can save this great Nation.
The NUTS saved America.